10-page eBook (PDF instant download to kindle, print, or any other device) consisting of one month's worth (20 workouts total) of strength EMOMs (every minute on the minute) geared to increase barbell strength and power, gymnastic skills, and work capacity.
Each EMOM consists of two movements, cycled through 5-10 complete cycles for a total of 10-20 minutes.
This program is a perfect supplemental program for most athletic, strength, and CrossFit based programs; in which increased strength, power, and general physical preparedness (GPP) is expected.
Volume: Moderate
Intensity: Moderate / Adjustable
Good For:
- Squatting, pulling, and pressing strength
- Barbell technique (strength and olympic weightlifting)
- Gymnastics (adjustable) / bodyweight training
- Increased GPP
- Increased work capacity
This first exercise listed is to be performed for the prescribed repetitions at the prescribed intensity (% of maximum) in the first minute (0-59 seconds). At the turn of the next minute, the second exercise is to be performed (61-119 seconds). Repeat for prescribed cycles and time.
- Rest periods are provided within minute frame. Once you complete prescribed repetitions you rest until next minute.
- OHP = Overhead Press
- HSPU = Handstand Push Up
- C2B = Chest to Bar Pull Up
- DU = Double Under (Jump Rope)
- SU = Single Under (Jump Rope)
- ALL pull ups are to be performed STRICT unless otherwise noted
Example EMOM (18 minutes, 6 rounds)
- 1st Minute - 5 Bench Press, as heavy as possible
- 2nd Minute - 250m Row
- 3rd Minute - Rest